Date: Sept. 14–15, 2018
Time Slot: Friday 08:30 – Saturday, ca. 15:30
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Program >>
Transition is hot topic in many aspects of different gastrointestinal disorders, however, very few evidence exist so far.
Therefore, ESPGHAN and UEG launch a joint meeting on transition of different gastrointestinal-, liver-, and panceatic disorders.
In this Master Class, new findings and important knowledge in gastrointestinal disease, such as IBD, Celiac disease, Eosinophil oesophagitis, and Chronic liver disease and Chronic pancreatitis were involved. Participants should submit (not obligated) and intersting case presentation related to the pitfalls/difficulties of transition process.
Please, participate on this unique Master Class in Budapest, be in science and enjoy the social program, as well!
• Concept of the meeting: 1.5 days, 5 sessions. In each session two pediatric and two adult GI/hep presenters discussing age specific aspects of diagnosis and treatment of their respective patient groups – four 20 minute case-based presentations and 30 minutes for interactive voting and discussion.
• Aim of the meeting: improve coordination of care on the
transfer of paediatric to adult patients
• E-learning: Short, concise video presentations, 5 min. each lecture. Lecturer has to summarize his/her presentation with "take home messages". In addition, every lecture would be displayed in PDF form with questionnaires.
• What is similar and different in paediatric and adult patients?
• How to promote the best transition?
• Have outcomes been measured?
• What are the “meeting points” before transition process?
• How do patients feel? (representation from patient associations)
Course Directors:
Gábor Veres
Jorge Amil Dias
Heinz Hammer
Application Deadline: June 30, 2018
Registration Fee: 50.00€
Please apply online and upload the following documents:
• Current CV
• Abstract of a case report
• List of Publications
How to apply:
Please register online on our event dedicated website >>
Preference will be given to ESPGHAN Members.
If you have any questions please contact
MGYT Fiatal Gyermekorvos Szekció 10. Vándorgyűlése
március 28.
Budapest, SE Gyermekklinika Bókay részleg