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Az ESPGHAN létrehozta a 27 nemzeti gyermek-gasztroenterológiai, hepatológiai és táplálkozási Társaságból álló hálózatát Európában és azon túl


ESPGHAN has established a network of 27 National Societies of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition in Europe and beyond.

The collaboration of the National Societies with ESPGHAN is vital in order to promote good clinical practice, high standards of education and high quality research within Europe. The National Societies' local knowledge, expertise and access to local communities guarantee the achievement of the above goals.

The support of ESPGHAN of the young trainees and the young researchers of the National Societies through various educational programs (exchange program, summer schools, young investigators forums etc) as well the support of the educational initiatives of the National Societies at a local level, comprise a permanent important strategic plan of ESPGHAN.

Every year, a Forum of the National Societies’ Representatives is held during the ESPGHAN Annual Meeting. ESPGHAN informs the National Representatives on its educational and other initiatives while, the National Representatives express their ideas and proposals for further collaboration.

A Newsletter with information of interest for the members of the National Societies is also available to all of the National Representatives.

In 2013, ESPGHAN together with the National Societies developed an European syllabus for training in pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition aiming at harmonizing the subspecialty training within Europe. We very much expect that the National Societies will influence on the governmental bodies to achieve the above goal.

A list of all National Societies and their web sites (where available) can be found by clicking on the map above.

National Societies Meeting Amsterdam 2015 - Minutes >>
ESPGHAN National Societies Group >>

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További szakmai újdonságok, érdekességek, előadások

2022. február 15.

Diagnostic approach and management of cow’s milk protein allergy in infants and children: A practical guideline of the GI-committee of ESPGHAN

2022. február 15.

Management of Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis: Joint ECCO and ESPGHAN Evidence-based Consensus Guidelines

2022. február 15.

ECCO/ESPGHAN konszenzuson alapuló irányelvek a gyermekkori Crohn-betegség gyógyszeres kezeléséről

2022. február 15.