Barion Pixel


2022. június 17–június 18.
Bruges, Oud Sint-Jan conference centre
BARD Bruges

It is a great pleasure to announce the 2nd International Congress on Biliary Atresia and Related Diseases (BARD). Initially, the meeting was scheduled for 2020 but the Covid-19 pandemic crashed the planning. However, our enthusiasm remained unbroken and the BARD-webinar-2021 bridged the gap to BARD-Bruges-2022, which will definitely take place June 17 and 18 at the Oud Sint-Jan conference centre in the UNESCO-recognised heritage city of Bruges, in Belgium.

A multidisciplinary faculty will explore the four topics highlighted in the 2021 Webinar accompanied by a full scientific program.

What makes this particular meeting worthwhile to attend?

BARD conferences set a new standard for interdisciplinary exchange between pediatric and adult hepatologists together with pediatric and transplant surgeons as well as basic and clinical researchers. In close cooperation with ERN-rare-liver and patient self-help groups, transition of BARD-patients into adult medicine will be a core topic of a meeting.

The organizing committee
Mark Davenport, Jan Hulscher, Claus Petersen, Richard Schreiber, Henkjan Verkade

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